My old standby, the Greek - English interlinear translation by Robert Brown and Philip Comfort, published by Tyndale, has a parallel NRSV translation, but that can literally be ignored, as it is simply provided in the margin as a supplement, signposts to familiar ground, while plugging through the Greek and literal English translation.

I was initially reluctant to try it, as it seemed less useful, since it was committed to a particular English translation. `The English - Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament, English Standard Version' is the third Greek English Interlinear translation I have bought, and I wish I had seen this one first. 6.5" x 9.125" - 1,536 pages - Gloss dictionary based on the transliterated, inflected Greek - Free ESV Bible Resources Software offer included - Morphology of each word - Transliterations of all Greek words for easy pronunciation - Strong's numbers for effective cross-referencing to other study tools This approach allows you to see firsthand the accuracy with which the translators of the English Standard Version of the Bible (ESV) rendered the Greek text. This state-of-the-art reverse interlinear New Testament, created in partnership with The German Bible Society and Logos Bible Software, breaks with the convention of traditional interlinear texts by keeping the English as the top-line entry and placing the Greek text underneath it. from Westminster Theological Seminary and has since developed and is currently Director of the National Biblical Greek Exam (NBGE), an online exam that seeks to promote the study of biblical Greek.

Andrews College, where he teaches Greek and has previously taught Latin and Hebrew. John Schwandt is a Fellow of Classical Languages at New St.