Second, the Arabic-Indonesian and Indonesian-Arabic system of learning is still dominated by a special alphabetical system, where users (users) of these dictionaries need to know the basic grammar of a word, of course this system is very difficult to use for them who is not yet familiar with sharf and narcissism. The early phases of the Arabic-Indonesian dictionary continue with the developmental phase of the Indonesian-Arabic dictionary of the Indonesian-Arabic Al-Bisri dictionary in 1999, the Indonesian-Arabic dictionary Al-Munawwir in 2007, the Indonesian-Arabic dictionary of Al-Mufied in 2010, the Indonesian- Arabic KABA 2013.

It is the forerunner of the Indonesian-Arabic dictionary in Indonesia. (b) Early phases of Indonesian-Arab practice in The introduction of the Indonesian-Arabic Dictionary was compiled by Asad M. The initial phase-Indonesian Arabic lexicography is followed by a phase of development of lexicography Arabic-Indonesian dictionary Al-Munawwir in 1984, then Dictionary Contemporary Arabic-Indonesian 1996, Al-Bisri Arabic-Indonesian Dictionary 1999, Al-Mutahar Arabic-Indonesian Dictionary, Al-Azhar Arabic-Indonesian Dictionary 2009, Al-Kamal Arabic-Indonesian Dictionary 2010. Once the presence of Arab-Malay dictionary Idris Al-Marbawi then comes the Arabic-Indonesian dictionary compiled by Mahmud Yunus in 1972. The dictionary is the beginning of the development of the Indonesian-Indonesian dictionary in Indonesia.

The results of this study indicated that the development of lexicography Arabic-Indonesian and Indonesian-Arabic in Indonesia can be summed up as follows: First, a) The initial phase of lexicography Arabic-Indonesian begins with the rise of Arab-Malay dictionary Idris Al-Marbawi in 1927. The data analysis used in this study used qualitative descriptive analysis, with the focus of the study being the development of Arab-Indonesian and Indonesian-Arab studies in Indonesia. The data collection in this study uses the technique of documentation. This study is a historical study, with a qualitative approach. This study aims to identify and describe: 1) the development of Arab-Indonesian and Indonesian-Arab literacy in Indonesia, 2) the Arab-Indonesian and Indonesian-Arab literacy system in Indonesia.