Determine whether a number is greater than or less than another number You can use the following formulas to test the condition of a statement and return a Yes or No value, to test an alternate value such as OK or Not OK, or to return a blank or dash to represent a null value. If the website's culture is then changed to en-us (United States), the formula changes automatically to: =IF(Number1>Number2,5,10). For example, suppose the following formula is created on a website whose culture setting is fr-fr (France): =IF(Number1>Number2 5 10). SharePoint automatically changes the delimiter character to the one that is appropriate for the language/culture of the current page. Regardless of which character is used when the field is created, the formula works on lists in SharePoint websites anywhere in the world. In such countries, users creating a calculated field must use semi-colons " " as the delimiter character. In some countries, the comma is reserved for use as the decimal mark.

All example formulas in this topic use commas "," as the parameter delimiter character.